Hintegrity, a spin-off of HinX, is an innovative
Risk Intelligence and Investigation Due Diligence start-up
for KYC and KYB risk with modular
and customisable solutions to support
the Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) world
for counterparty risk management.

We don't come up with solutions, there are already too many.
We create them by generating a unique tailored process.

It was precisely HinX's 20 years of experience that enabled us to identify the objective limitations of the international databases that revealed an information gap.

In fact, our analyses have shown how these sources, however supported by complex AI, detect little more than 40% of the information actually available on the web, which is often deficient because it is out of date. This is why we have innovated and revolutionised the way we do intelligence. The secret? The human mind!

Why choose us


We are the only Italian company to have global coverage that includes all international compliance and risk intelligence providers.

Proactive approach

We monitor the continuous evolution of regulatory and normative trends, both national and international, creating solutions and services that meet any compliance requirements and respond to risks.

Innovation and creativity

We are constantly looking for solutions to improve services and meet new challenges.

Multidisciplinarity and expertise

Our teams are composed of specialists in legal-economic disciplines (tax, corporate, legal, forensic...) but also in risk management and corporate intelligence. We have been operating in the world of Due Diligence for over 20 years and have access to thousands of insider sources.

Independence and reliability

We are a company with absolute independence from business and political interests. We track information with rigorous processes.

A unique structure

With us, you don't have a database, but a platform that integrates all the world's risk and compliance databases (over 1,800) as well as the leading providers of business information with 100 per cent coverage of global data.
But we didn't settle for that!

A team of experienced intelligence analysts, supported by a proprietary AI platform with more than 3 thousand negative keywords in 25 languages, monitors and researches news at any level of depth.

The news item is analysed and compared with similar ones and cross-referenced with those related to the target audience.

We distinguish ourselves from any competitor by the uniqueness of our structure. Our services complement your internal processes by promptly identifying and assessing emerging, legal, operational and reputational risk.

We research, aggregate, analyze, and monitor news to provide you with intelligent and effective information that enables you to make the best decision to protect your business.

Turns risks into valuable resources, making them opportunities for growth to make more informed decisions


    I consent pursuant to and in accordance with Articles 13 and 23 of D. L.gs. n. 196/2003, by signing this form, to the processing of personal data in the manner and within the limits established by law.

    Via Vincenzo Monti 32
    Tel: +39 02 87369050
    VAT number: IT 12368960964

    Developed with ♥️ by AC Consulting

    Developed with ♥️ by AC Consulting