


In a context in which, as in recent years, the opening of capital to outside parties has generated major liquidity events, the proliferation of club deals, the hunt for the unicorn start-up or crypto-asset but also

the pursuit of the everlasting pleasure asset, leads to an exponential increase in relationships with many more, often heterogeneous counterparts, increasing risks. The analysis in the 2022 report of the Family Office Observatory

of the Politecnico di Milano revealed that of the 101 Italian Single-Family Offices (SFOs) surveyed (47.2% of the total), only 4% use know-your-customer (KYC) procedures and tools, in fact the least used services.

Invest your resources better with an Integrity & Reputation Due Diligence service

With Hintegrity Wealth, we have created the most comprehensive solution that brings together everything contained in the AML, OnBoarding and ESG services with the addition of an extended survey of third parties that have relationships, personal and business, with the target counterparty.

Data and information management using professionals and technology for a more structured and formalised recruitment and decision-making process in relation to the necessary risk assessment and mitigation.

Our reputation also depends on that of those with whom we establish relations because the reputational damage resulting from underestimating risk may even outweigh the economic-financial damage.


Designed by AML specialists for AML specialists, this powerful tool covers the entire process of onboarding and monitoring clients



Designed by ESG specialists, this powerful tool covers the entire onboarding and supply chain monitoring process



OnBoarding è la raccolta e l’elaborazione di informazioni sulle società per ottimizzare l'efficienza dei processi decisionali


Via Vincenzo Monti 32
Tel: +39 02 87369050
VAT number: IT 12368960964

Developed with ♥️ by AC Consulting

Developed with ♥️ by AC Consulting